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Case Study - The SWOT Team

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SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and (oh dear!) Threats.

To develop this analysis we worked together with the Medi-Bill owners, acting as facilitators and asking questions along the way.


  • Raving Fans - good reputation
  • Profitable
  • Business Longevity
  • Efficient Internal Systems
  • Capacity for growth
  • Loyal team
  • Key personnel prime for management
  • Client Retention is good


  • Lack of Marketing and Sales
  • Need for better performance and financial reporting systems
  • Lacking Performance Standards and documented procedures
  • Owner dependent
  • No training or cross-training
  • No management succession plan


  • Outsourcing trend in profession
  • Aging population - more medical services will be required
  • Available market share
  • Non-Medical market expansion


  • Consolidation of Medical Groups
  • Competition
  • Government regulation
  • Managed Care

Given all the information we had gathered so far, the next step was to create an Action Plan for Medi-Bill.

So far, the process had taken about 10 hours.

Previous: Questions and Answers Next: A Plan for Action

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