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CFO As You Grow

The CFO As You Grow Program is offered in response to an ever-growing need from business owners for more advanced financial management services. This program is designed specifically for small, growing companies that could benefit from the skills of a highly qualified CFO but who can't or don't want to make the full-time investment in one. The primary goal of this program is to help our clients manage and grow their businesses more effectively.

Read about the 5 Important Steps for Effective Growth at the core of CFO As You Grow or see it at work in this actual case study.

Companies that enroll in our CFO As You Grow Program do so for a minimum of one year. In our experience, it takes at least a year of consistent, disciplined effort to achieve long lasting results.

One of the greatest barriers to small business growth lies in owners who can not let go of day-to-day operations for fear things won't get done right. The CFO As You Grow Program puts expert feedback systems and indicators in place so owners can still know what's going on without having to be intimately involved with every detail of their operation. We call this building a dashboard for your business.

Much like monitoring the dashboard of a car, you won't have to lift the hood every five minutes to see if the car is performing properly. This program also lays an ideal foundation for more advanced, technology-based management information systems that most growing companies adopt over time.

Finally, having a solid performance-based incentive program can also help attract and retain high quality people to your organization. These systems create a culture of measured accountability for team members and provide a mechanism for rewarding superior performance.

More detail is available in our 12-page color brochure.


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