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Case Study - The Map

Previous: Choosing Measurements Next: A Dashboard for Medi-Bill

The final stage is now to lay out a Map of Measures for each of the four Performance Areas (Sales & Marketing, Operations, Management, Finance).

The Map of Measures is a graphical hierarchy for each Performance Area. This hierarchy guides us in the development of the business dashboard.

To create the map, we begin by listing the identified Critical Success Factors for each area. Secondly, we list the Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Finally, we list specific activities that are actually measured to provide the KPI expressed in a ratio or index.

An example of this can be followed by using the Management (Personnel) Area:

  • Critical Success Factor - Competent team (Attract & Retain)
  • Key Performance Indicator - Cross training
  • Activity Input Measure - Training activities & New employee ramp up time

Map of Measures
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Previous: Choosing Measurements Next: A Dashboard for Medi-Bill

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